Saturday, October 21, 2006

Long Week!

Ah, been so busy this week. On Sunday (10/15/06), I had to stay up pretty late working on my homework for EECS 767 - Information Retrieval that was due the next day. I didn't even get it all finished and had to work on it during my lunch at work and the whopping two hours I have between work and school on Mondays. I did finally get it done though.

At work this week, we hit the 200,000 case! They had a contest to see who could guess the closest time when we would hit the 200K threshold. Jason and I both forgot to put in our guesses. I was planning on submitting my guess right before the deadline, 9PM Central, but we ended up going to see The Departed at 8:35PM at AMC Studio 30 and I totally forgot about it. Trevor ended up winning but we don't know what the prize is yet. The next day, we were all treated to Chipotle.

Work has been super busy. I was put on two hot issues in one day in addition to delivering my part 1, 1 and 1/2 hour training on Performancesoft on Wednesday. Performancesoft is the new company we acquired a few months ago and I was put in charge of learning their product and training the rest of support on it. Quite a task, let me say. Part 2 is next Wednesday.

Now, I've got to work on a 30-45 presentation for my class. Two people are presenting per class and of course I was "randomly" choose to present on the first day we are starting. ARGH!

Funny random quote for the day:
The day's not quite gone, but the night's not quite here and somewhere, Scott Baio is plowing a woman he doesn't love.
-Peter Griffin, Family Guy

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