Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome 2007!

I put up pictures from Christmas and New Years in my gallery today. This one is great of Ember and my sister:

Here's Marsh and I with our cigars on New Years:

My New Years weekend kind of sucked because I had to work a lot of the weekend. There has been an urgent issue the past week and I've been working on it non-stop. I was up till 3:30AM on Friday night working on it, then all day Saturday, and a good amount on Sunday. I got away Sunday night and Marsh, Tina, Megan, and I all went downtown to Romer's apartment where we met up with everyone. We ended up going to O'dowd's (map) for our New Years evening celebration. We all had a really good time and Marsh, Tina, Megan, and I ended up taking a taxi home.

I think I have two New Years resolutions this year. One is to try to get a steady schedule of going to the gym. I've had too many obstacles this year including throwing my back out and requiring physical therapy for a month, school, and randomly getting sick. The other and more important resolution is to spend more time with my sister since she is only 30 minutes away now in Lawrence. I've also got a place to stay in Lawrence now because Clint is moving there this weekend.

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