Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Google Spreadsheets and House Projects

The process of purchasing a house and all of the little projects to get up to my standards has become quite overwhelming. The nerdiness and organized part of me decided to use Google Spreadsheets to keep track of everything like cost, phone numbers, supplies, and prioritizing all of the different tasks. Working for a company that does enterprise reporting, including spreadsheets, I've been pretty impressed. You can format and formulate as you would in Excel, including creating separate sheets, but it's all web based. They have even added charts recently. However, because I want a way to access and share with others, the publishing feature has been the most impressive to me. With the click of a button, I can provide a universally accessible URL to see my spreadsheet in many different formats. For instance, the following is my work in progress housing projects spreadsheet and examples of several different formats:

You can even embed the spreadsheet in a web page:

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